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Best Digital X-Ray Centre in Bhubaneswar

Digital X-ray in Bhubaneswar have revolutionized the medical industry with their high-quality imaging capabilities and improved diagnostic accuracy. At Prolife Diagnostics Centre, we provide advanced digital x-ray services to our patients with the help of modern equipment and technology. Our skilled radiologists and technicians ensure accurate and timely diagnosis. We offer convenient and affordable digital X-ray services to our patients in Bhubaneswar, making healthcare accessible to everyone.

Common reasons for Digital X-rays include:

>>   To detect broken bones or fractures

>>   To identify joint dislocations or bone alignment issues

>>   To diagnose lung problems, such as pneumonia or tuberculosis

>>   To detect dental problems, such as cavities or impacted teeth

>>   To identify foreign objects in the body, such as swallowed items

>>   To diagnose osteoporosis or other bone density issues

>>   To monitor the progression of conditions such as arthritis or cancer.

digital x-ray in bhubaneswar

Advanced Technology

Doctor Consultation

Accurate Reporting


Director Image

Digital X-Ray Procedure & Cost in Bhubaneswar

Here are some key points about the digital X-ray procedure:

>>   Patient positioned according to body part being imaged.
>>   Protective lead apron may be placed on unaffected areas.
>>   Technician positions digital X-ray machine and takes image.
>>   Patient must hold still and hold breath for image.
>>   Image reviewed for accuracy and diagnostic information.
>>   Additional images may be taken from different angles.
>>   Images sent electronically to a radiologist for interpretation.
>>   Results shared with patient’s healthcare provider.
>>   Minimal radiation exposure compared to traditional X-rays.
>>   No special preparation is needed for most digital X-rays.


Digital X-ray cost in Bhubaneswar varies depending on the type of scan required. At Prolife Diagnostics Centre, we offer affordable digital X-ray services to our patients without compromising on quality.

FAQs about Digital X-Ray

Common Questions and Concerns Answered for Patients Considering Digital X-Ray Services

    What is a digital X-ray?
    A digital X-ray is an imaging test that uses digital technology to produce images of the inside of the body.

    Is a digital X-ray safe?
    Yes, digital X-rays are considered safe and the amount of radiation exposure is minimal.

    How long does a digital X-ray take?
    The procedure typically takes only a few minutes, but may take longer depending on the number of images needed.

    Will I feel any pain during the procedure?
    No, digital X-rays are painless. You may be required to hold a certain position for a few seconds while the images are taken.

    Do I need to prepare for a digital X-ray?
    In most cases, there is no special preparation needed for a digital X-ray. However, you may need to change into a gown and remove any jewelry or metal objects that could interfere with the imaging.

    Can I eat or drink before a digital X-ray?
    Yes, you can eat and drink as usual before a digital X-ray unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise.

    How long will it take to get my results?
    Results are typically available within a few days. Your healthcare provider will review the results with you and discuss any necessary follow-up steps

Patient Testimonials

Read what our patients have to say about their experiences with us.